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Capacity Development

a) Training

Training of Trainers

This is aimed at Civil Society Organizations at national and local level undertaking community sensitization and education. The LANDnet team has over 20 years of experience in the provision of community awareness services. LANDnet understands that catalytic change can only happen when there is a web of organizations providing land services to the country. LANDnet catalyzes this process by providing Training to a core team of  representatives from various organizations in the art and practice of problem identification, conducting needs assessments, stakeholder analysis, preparation and conducting of trainings and follow up mechanisms to ensure that the objectives of sensitization and education are met.

Gender Analysis and integration

Land is a cultural issue in Uganda and there is cultural diversity in gender relations and property rights. Approaches for strengthening women’s land rights must be tailored to local circumstances and not just replicated from one place to another.

LANDnet’s value proposition is to go beyond the rhetoric of gender mainstreaming and develop together with its stakeholders the gender footprint that marks how within the land sector there is progressive reduction in gender inequality both in the function of land governance and in the practice of tenure security.

LANDnet believes that change for women will come from women themselves. Building new knowledge on what practices are best to strengthen women’s land rights is critical. Up to now what we know is more of theory than practice. Beyond being made more aware of their land rights, women must be invited to participate in collecting and analyzing data and sharing information about their own experiences and needs. These provide the women with a better basis for getting organized and collectively act on new knowledge acquired. LANDnet believes that this will best work through the strengthening of multi stakeholder platforms with best practices and lessons to inform next steps and develop programs at local and national level in a manner that reflects the needs of women.

Young Professionals skills and competence development

Training at Uganda’s Universities and higher institutions of learning follow the conventional methods of instruction. There has however been a big shift in how land governance is viewed and required to function. This is evidenced in Uganda’s Land Act, that to date remains largely unimplemented and the newly developed National Land Policy. These key frameworks are compounded by international frameworks and voluntary commitments such as the Africa Framework and Guidelines for Land Policies in Africa, the UNFAO Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure (VGGT), the Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030) and the Africa We Want (Agenda 2060). Furthermore, several countries have now developed guidelines to guide their investments in recipient countries.

LANDnet’s value proposition is to enhance the skills of young professionals in developing critical thinking and the right attitude to deliver on the mandates they will be assigned as they take up appointments in various institutions. The young professionals program will include attachment to various institutions where they will be given the opportunity to introduce the innovation and execute it over a one year period.

LANDnet further envisages the development of a continuous learning program for the land sector actors for training and skills enhancement on the various areas that will be identified through a participatory stakeholder process. This program will be sustained through institutional contributions to continuous learning and capacity development with follow up mechanisms. It will be very useful for the decentralized land governance structure that is currently implemented in Uganda.

b) Empowerment

Empowerment focuses on CSO capacity to deliver on their mandates. LANDnet understands that there are many organizations incrementally working in the land sector but lack the capacity to implement their programs at scale. This is mainly a result of internal challenges in terms of institutional set up and practice. LANDnet has the skills and capacity to support institutional growth and development to enable the organizations function efficiently and effectively. This requires LANDnet to coach and mentor the organizations through their growth trajectory.

  • Simplification of laws and technical documents
  • Development of land tools necessary for the implementation of various provisions of laws and policies, specifically focusing on the “how to”
  • Organizational Development
  • Institutional Review
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Law and policy analysis and Development
  • IEC materials Development